I saw this following article in my daily SmartBrief email and it struck a nerve with me:
HR vs. Leadership Development
I am in the midst of a re-organization of how we strucure and view the role of the Department of Catholic Schools in Los Angeles. In thinking about it for quite some time, my thoughts are that individuals within the office need to have a specific area of expertise that is their central focus. This is as opposed to how we are currently structured where individuals 'supervise' schools and pick up duties on the side.
The reason this article struck me in particular is that I have come to see the role of the Director of Personnel (which is the current title for our 'HR' person) as a Leadership Identifier and Developer. This is not the title, obviously, but you get the point. I know other Catholic school offices around the country do things differently but for us we don't do many of the strict HR functions that are outlined in the article. That is for the pastor to do at the local site. The purpose of the person in our office is to identify potential leaders for the future and then create (in collaboration with others) a program that will develop skills within each of them so as to bring high quality leaders into our schools.
There are other areas of 'expertise' that we are looking at as well - Catholic identity/catechesis, curriculum/instruction, data/assessment, fiscal management, enrollment management, technology integration, etc...And I will get to those over time but thought I would share the article to see if anyone had thoughts to share. That is, after all, what a blog is all about, right?
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